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Visuals are Anil’s best friends. Whether they are photographs, illustrations, lines drawn interestingly, nicely shaped objects, unusual forms and textures, they’ve all been kindred spirits of Anil since his early childhood. So not surprisingly, finishing school and starting at the Delhi College of Art was a foregone conclusion. In 1986, he graduated with a gold medal and joined Interface Communications as a trainee visualiser.
Since that day Anil has been in advertising and in love with advertising, working with his childhood’s favourite playmates and coaxing them to help him solve communication problems, create identities and add impact to messages.
Anil’s advertising career has taken him from Interface to TSA (now McCannErickson), Mudra DDB, Dhar & Hoon, and RKSwamy BBDO. In the process he has gone from being a trainee to becoming an Art Director, a Group Head and a Creative Director. He has worked on a vast range of products and services. And has won almost every major Indian advertising award, ranging from the venerable CAG and the Bombay Ad Club to the A&M award, the IAAFA award and the Business Today, Business World and a whole list of ad club awards. His work is printed in prestigious Lurzer’s Archive and also listed in DDB’s list of the best work in 20 years.
Anil counts among his best works, the campaign for Ambassador cars, the Amitabh Bachchan campaign for BPL, the work for Freelook clothing, the ‘Pure for Sure’ campaign for Bharat Petroleum and the launch of Platinum jewellery in India, among many many more.
After having spent over a decade and a half in agencies of all sizes and shapes, Anil took a break in 2003 and spent a few months trying something he always wanted to give time to – photography. He was right in the middle of a shoot when his new cellphone rang. It was good old Sandeep Babbr from the Dhar and Hoon days. They decided to meet and catch up over a cup of tea. One thing led to another and before they knew it, they had spent 9 months working with each other and enjoying it. It was time for ‘M’ to be born.


Besides working on communication requirements of various clients at ‘M’, Anil has been taking out time to popularise Fine Art in the society. Now and then he has also been giving talks and doing other works for Art Institutions like Meerabai Institute of Technology, Delhi and College of Art, Delhi. He himself is a practicing artist and his artworks adorn wall of art lovers in USA, UK and India.

Photography. Model Portfolio
Platinum Metal Launch Ad.
Platinum Metal launch ad.
Artwork. Shraddha Shakti.
Bharat Petroleum
Bharat Petroleum
Artwork. Gyaan Shakti.
Ambassador Car Ad
Ambassador Car Ad
Photography. Landscape.

© 2023 by M Design & Communication

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